Skin Treatment Consultation and Consent Form
Fitzpatrick skin types:
1) Very pale white skin, often with green or blue eyes and fair or red hair - burns without tanning
2) White skin, often with blue eyes - burns and does not tan easily
3) Fair skin with brown eyes and brown hair - burns first then tans
4) Light brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - burns a little and tans easily
5) Brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - easily tans to a darker colour and rarely burns
6) Dark brown or black skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - never burns but tans darker
Male/Female Specific Questions
I accept that any treatment I am going to receive is at my own risk.
I certify that I have read, fully understood, and completed this form to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that failure to disclose information requested above may result in adverse side effect(s), unknown because of this to which I accept full liability/responsibility.
The treatment(s) and possible side effect(s) have been fully explained to me.
I accept full responsibility for the treatment given and complications which may arise or result during or following any procedure that is performed at my request.
I accept that if I am not satisfied with the treatment I will inform the therapist and/or request to speak to the manager during, or immediately following, the treatment.
I fully understand the above and consent to the skin treatment(s) to be carried out.
Tap or click on the signature above to sign
Data Protection and Privacy
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We take special precautions with your sensitive personal data and we will process your data lawfully and as described. We only process the data we need for as long as we need to and we respect all of your rights under GDPR. We will never sell, share or otherwise abuse your data. You can contact us at any time to request your data, change your preferences or request that your data be deleted. GDPR is the European privacy law designed to protect you and give you control of your data.