Skin Treatment Consultation Form

Client Details

Skin Care

Fitzpatrick skin types:
1) Very pale white skin, often with green or blue eyes and fair or red hair - burns without tanning
2) White skin, often with blue eyes - burns and does not tan easily
3) Fair skin with brown eyes and brown hair - burns first then tans
4) Light brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - burns a little and tans easily
5) Brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - easily tans to a darker color and rarely burns
6) Dark brown or black skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - never burns but tans darker

Male/Female Specific Questions


I understand, have read and completed this questionnaire truthfully. I agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures. I understand that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications and/or irritation to the skin from treatments received. The treatments I receive here are voluntary and I release this institution and/or skin care professional from liability and assume full responsibility thereof.

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